Gond-Art Workshop

Gond tribal art is a traditional art form practiced by the indigenous Gond people of central India. This art form is characterized by intricate patterns and designs that are inspired by nature, mythology, and daily life. The Gond artists use a unique technique of creating dots and lines to form pictorial representations of their imagination. The colors used in Gond art are often bright and vibrant, adding to the charm of the artwork. This art form has gained popularity in recent years and has been showcased in galleries and museums across the world. The Gond tribe considers their art to be a medium of storytelling and a way to connect with their cultural roots.

Our mission

We strongly believe that everyone possesses a spark of art within them, waiting to be discovered and nurtured. Our mission is to guide and support individuals in their artistic journey, helping them explore their creative potential. Whether it is through painting, sculpture, music, dance, or any other form of artistic expression, we are dedicated to providing the tools, resources, and encouragement needed for self-discovery. Our team of experienced artists and instructors will inspire and guide you along this transformative path, allowing you to tap into your innate artistic abilities and unleash your imagination. We believe that art has the power to heal, inspire, and connect people, and we are committed to providing a platform for everyone to discover and embrace their artistic talents.

Our vision

Art has always been seen as something exclusive and only for a select few. However, our mission is to change this perception and make art accessible to everyone. We believe that art is not limited to paintings hanging in museums or expensive sculptures. Art can be found in the everyday, in the smallest details of life. It can be a beautifully arranged bouquet of flowers, a well-crafted piece of furniture, or even a thought-provoking street mural. By showcasing the beauty and value of these everyday art forms, we aim to shift the way people think about art. We want to inspire individuals to see art in their surroundings, to appreciate creativity in all its forms, and to embrace their own artistic abilities. Together, we can bring art into the lives of all, creating a more vibrant and enriched society.

Workshop Gallery

Our team

Our creative team for the workshop consists of talented individuals who are passionate about delivering innovative and captivating content. They possess a diverse range of skills and expertise, allowing them to approach projects from various perspectives. Their creativity knows no bounds, constantly pushing the boundaries to create memorable and engaging experiences for our participants. With their combined experience and dedication, our creative team ensures that every workshop is thoughtfully designed and executed, leaving a lasting impact on attendees.

Sambhaw Singh Shyam

Renown Tribal Artist (Our Resource Person)

Deepak Nema

Workshop Designer and Organiser

Pankaj Dhanole

Workshop Photographer / Co-ordinator

Puneet Chandra

Founder (kalavalley.com)